Friday, 17 October 2014
Conscious Decisions.
In life though we will always have challenges, when they pile up the average mind will unconsciously become frustrated, depressed or just angry! But as humans we have the great ability to make conscious decisions, to focus on something and override our unconscious mind. We need to make these decisions every day as to remain strong, to remain positive. As I fight through my current place in life (luckily with some amazing support at home going through the same challenges right by my side) I know I need to find the silver lining, so consciously choose to get through this challenge and remain positive.
As I focus my mind, find the value in getting through the road blocks and jumping over the pit falls I begin to really think about all the conscious decisions we need to make in life. When our mind is tired, when we are suffering from the blues we need to choose to override the natural sensation to feel down and spread our exhaustion to others. If we don't think about our actions we will spread our blues, we will tell others how bad we have it, how poor things are and search for recognition and concurrence. When we think about things, we can search for positive pieces in life, we can ask for people to reinforce the good.
When we consciously decide to find a silver lining, to focus on the future and reflect on success from the past our current load will become lighter. When we spread this attitude people will rally around us, they will find positive aspects in life and share. We go from unconsciously trudging through the day to unconsciously smiling and laughing. Moments that could have set us off or frustrated begin to role off our back.
Go out today and consciously smile, share a happy story. Today is the day to make a conscious decision and be the positive change. I did! I sat down and wrote, and if this brings a smile to one person I know I have done something right!
Motivate, inspire and find your focus!
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Change is one of the most constant things in life and still one of the hardest things to accept. Just the thought of change can send us into a panic attack, make us feel like our world is coming down around us. But the big changes they send us for a roller coaster ride, they play with every emotion we have and they test every limit. We think that some people handle change better, I don't think we do, I think some of us hide it better, some of us know how to avoid the cues that will let reality sink in. But we all have our moment, our break, that moment that our brains begin to reset and flood our body with emotions.
(I still recall losing a loved one, through the funeral and all leading up to it, I had been the rock, never shaking, trying to support everyone. So many tears, so much loss for the family... Then one night I went for a run, out of nowhere it hit me, for no reason, no real cues, my brain just finally let the connection happen, I literally ran off the road and collapsed in the ditch. A few minutes later I got up and finished my run. No one saw it, I still appeared strong, but I had had my break.)
Change comes in so many forms, gaining a loved ones, losing a loved ones, moving, getting a promotion, losing a job or just starting a new routine. Sometime we wake up in the morning, look at ourselves in the mirror and say it is time for change, other times it is forced upon us. No matter the source it is tough. It is a battle we hate to fight and it always means we will lose something. We cannot avoid it, if we choose not to change, then those around us will, and we will lose them. But if we accept change then we can gain so much, we can have some control of the situation and find the new exciting things in our life.
They say, every time a door closes a new one opens. So as that door closes take control, start small, you can't control everything and never will, but find a constant and hold on to it. Then look around, find something new to move toward, take the memories and lessons of your past, don't let them go because your changing, embrace them and let them guide you to the new door. Open your mind, open your heart and scream to the hills. The sun will always rise, and when that light hits your face take it in, let it warm your sole. So change hurts, it always will, and it will always hurt everyone. But those that can accept it will grow, and become more then they ever knew they could be. Let your memories guide you, accept your future and become new everyday!
Motivate, inspire and find your focus.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Becoming Happy!
Sometimes we wear this mask for a weak, sometimes a month or sometimes for years. If we wear this mask to long we begin to lose ourselves, we lose sight of the good things in life and start taking a dark view on so much. We squirrel ourselves away from the world and avoid true contact, true emotion because the slightest crack in our mask, in our walls, may let someone see who we really are and the reality is we don't know ourselves, we are scared to look in the mirror.
As time goes though we get a taste of happiness, we see joy around us and we want that for ourselves. We reach for it but realize this will create a crack in the mask, it will be out of character, outside of the persona of contentment we have created, so we retreat. People mock us, or chastise us for being out of character and we retreat further. As this moment build we start to see only one escape from the mask we have built. For each of us this escape will be different, but the impact will be similar.
To escape we will risk losing everything we know, we will risk being banished by those we love, we may lose everything for our own happiness. Until you have felt this weight you cannot understand its intensity, this weight will crush many, consume them and they loose themselves. Some find the strength, they step out and make the change to find happiness. Those around are shocked, they are scarred, they are confused, the content person they knew is spreading their wings, they are not just working in the background now they are shining brighter then they ever have.
The challenge with shining when we were dull is we have felt pain, we have been the support system for many, so though we are shining, we are extremely tender. We feel pain extremely deep, we know we have hurt people as we have been hurt ourselves. We are wearers of masks, so to be truly happy we have to truly feel pain, we cannot show this pain, but have to shine, we cannot show the fear of what we may lose, we have to smile and focus on what we are gaining. At any moment when we hear we have hurt someone we will be crushed, hopefully only for a moment as the brightest light can be extinguished with such a time bit of darkness. So we keep shining, push to be the brightest light and focus on what we are gaining.
When we have been a dull glow to come out and shine is a shock to the system, it is a shock to our own system and a shock to those around us. We will be stupid in moment of happiness, when it has been so long since we have felt this joy. We will see so much of what we had as a dull light and may even fear it as we cannot go back, we will look down on it for a time, as we cannot afford to go back there. The mask we had is one we cannot put back on, so it becomes ugly. As time goes and we settle into our new light we will look back on that mask and see some of the beauty, we will recognize the good that came from it, we will not put it back on but we will accept it.
So I ask, when you see someone shining, see someone happy. Know that they deserve to be happy, that they are probably still hurting, but are trying to embrace the light. If they leave you behind, just keep being positive and they will find you again. Don't be the dark cloud, but the strength to help people shine, as we all know it is tougher to be happy then to fade into the shadows. Today be a light!!
Motivate, inspire and find your focus!
Monday, 14 July 2014
The Drive Forward
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
What to give?
Success for each of us is something different, and when we look at others if they do not see success the same way we do we often look at them with judging eyes. We wonder why they are not fighting for the same things we are. We consider them lazy because they are not sacrificing as much as we are or we consider them selfish because they have no time for other. We are not looking in the mirror to consider what we are sacrificing because we make it all make sense within our own head. We convince ourselves that our sacrifice is worth it. Often it is but some times it is not. We each make these choices and must accept others choices.
My family and I have chosen a tougher path, we move every few years and we often have to say goodbye to friends as we move on to our next posting. As we make these moves I have a goal in mind, I believe my family has the same goal. But overtime I have had many discussions with friends about this. One made the statement, "Well I guess money is more important then friends to you!" That stung, but I hadn't ever considered it from that angle. It stopped me in my tracks, I wanted to believe the my true friends would always stay connected... I asked another friend a few years later why he didn't push for more, he looked at me and said "Look around, I have everything I need, I am home every night, my job challenges me but does not exhaust me and my family has me here for them." I almost shed a tear. He was truly happy... Could I be happy with that?
Success has so many levels and we need to know what will make us happy. Over time I try to be more and more conscious of my breaking points, how much can I sacrifice for each goal, how much can I give. I know I can give much of myself, I know I can break myself and get up again. But I have a family, I will not sacrifice them so I need to listen I need to understand. I sacrifice myself for my family, directly at the home and indirectly through work, it is a balance everyday as it is for so many. But every moment is worth it!
We all need to understand our break points, when we find a goal we want to achieve we need to know what we will have to sacrifice and what that will that sacrifice
do to us and those around us. Sacrifice is part of life, be prepared and know you can reach your goals. Once you reach a goal you can look back and know you gave of yourself and truly know what the value of your success is.
Motivate, inspire and find your focus.
Thursday, 1 May 2014
Finding Time.
Terms many of us use everyday and almost all of us are guilty of not "Finding Time". This coin has two sides; One we just don't want to hurt anyone so we appease them and put the task that we don't want to do off until "later." Side two is simply procrastination, and I am as guilty as anyone else of this if not a bit more guilty then many.
Side one is a simple fix in text, harder in practice but definitely something we can all do. Learn to say no! Don't just blurt it out as though you are a three year old and then run away. Try and be conscious of your words and the other persons feelings, but seeing that we have already identified that we have a time management issue don't take to long to ponder the request. Then once you know there is a high chance you won't complete the request explain that you don't think you can get it done and if it is important you may not be the best person to complete the task. This may turn into a discussion and you may find yourself still completing the task, but if you do I expect the other person has given you some motivation... even if it is just a swift kick in the butt.
Side two is a bit more complex, the largest side of this is one is fairly clear though. In the end we don't find time, it is not hidden under a rock, and we don't make time, we cannot sit down and craft a bit more time for the end of the day "ok today is going to be 25 hours instead of 24!". Time is just a tool we have to structure our day, a tool we can use if we learn to control our activities. We all have 24 hours in a day and we need to learn to use them to our advantage. We all have x amount of activities we need to complete within our day, within our week within our month... Many of us unconsciously work to our time, if we have an hour to finish a task or think the task will take us an hour, it is probably going to take an hour. Could we have finished it in 30 minutes, maybe, but we knew we had an hour so it took us an hour.
Take the time to know what you are doing in a day, look at tasks that take the most time and consider how you can get it done faster. Look at small tasks and order them together so that you can blast through a whole bunch of small tasks in one burst, you will build a head of steam, feel good about your pace and keep driving through into the next task. Some days we will need to use the time we have set aside for a daily activity for another task, this is ok, changing up our habits now and again will help us learn to add new tasks to our busy days. In the end our day is build on a whole bunch of little habits, we expect certain results and have build in rewards. Make sure to fit additional tasks in to your existing structure, have similar reward for yourself, make change feel natural, once change is part of your daily life you will "find time" everywhere you look!
Motivate, inspire and find your focus.
Friday, 25 April 2014
To be Humble
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Positively.... Spun!
When each of us focus on being positive ourselves and spread a positive mood we are making change. Smiles are contagious. When we see something that frustrates us we cannot dwell on it, we need to avoid commenting, if anything offer a positive thought or action. We so often continue to say how positive we are but are commenting on how negative something was, but we think we feel better because "we were the positive one!" Well I ask how are we being positive when we are taking the time to spread the negative action. Drop it, walk away don't carry it with you!
So today lets step forward finding the silver lining. Commit to only focus on the positive today, and start to build this habit. Try to make three people smile and you are doing something right. Try to make 2 people laugh, you have helped them through the day. Be there to help stop one persons tears and turn it to a smile you are feeling success.
Motivate, inspire and find your focus!
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Make it Perfect.
Over the years I have broke down many times trying to find this perfection, slipping back into this world of missing my target. I have found myself alone in groups of people, drifting through life in a dark cloud worried that someone will notice that I am not perfect, that I have flaws. I smile and nod, act strong but inside feel inadequate. These are my feelings and not to be part of the outside world and I try to never let anyone see them... That is impossible, just like perfection. Someone is always going to see through a façade if you live within one, you hope it is someone that loves you and will offer support but that is not always the case, and those are the days one live in fear of...
One cannot live in fear, one cannot worry day in and day out and one will always look back and see something they could have done better. One must find the strength so see imperfection as a stepping stone to improvement, just another lesson in this amazing life we live.
As I look around the world I find one thing, those who demonstrate success always appear to achieve perfection, but with a bit of looking one can see that they rarely do achieve perfection. What they do is accept what is around them as perfect in the moment. They do not react to flaws, they work with them, they don't throw their arms in the air and walk away, they stand back look around with pride and accept everything as perfection within the moment. They know there are flaws, and they take note for the future, they fix anything that may actually cause a problem in the moment, but if it can be brought in to look like it is part of the moment and will not create an issue later they roll with it and accept it as perfect within the moment.
The challenge many of us have is not a lack of perfection, it is the stress and worry we create by trying to achieve perfection and never seeing that it is all around us. We must always strive for the next level, always push harder for happiness and whatever our vision of success is, and we must always strive for perfection. This is not a bad thing as long as when we strive for these things we will accept the imperfections as part of our life, maybe something to work on, definitely not something to break us. We need to focus on bettering ourselves and those around us, and when we recognize that growth is the greatest sign of perfection we will feel proud and others will see our pride. They will look at us and wonder how we achieve such perfection, we will become the inspiration and we will grow.
We must take a moment every day and see the perfection that is all around us, see how many things we have to inspire us and motivate us. We all have perfection in the things around us, whether it is a moment of silence that brings a smile to our face, a hug from a child or a job well done that we can reflect on just how well we have done.
Motivate, Inspire and find your Focus.
Friday, 21 March 2014
Dreams come true
Monday, 17 March 2014
To rest the mind work the body
I had been sitting for two days, reading intently feeling inspiration as I burned through my new book. Such clear thoughts, connections being made with work and family life. I love digging into a book that click that inspires and creates focus points... Especially when I can do it sprawled out in the sun with a drink in my hand... But something isn't right yet, my mind is still in gear I haven't let go yet, I am relaxed but have not let go. What is it, why am I not shutting my mind off, I switch books, some good fiction.... Still not letting go... I am sitting listening to music book and the ground lost in my thoughts when I hear a call for water polo! I jump up, why not I need something and have enjoyed water polo before. A casual game starts, we have a good group, all having fun and all working hard. My heart rate is up, focus is on the game. We laugh, we cheer, we course in jest when the other team scores. The game wraps up we shake hands and head back to our chairs. I sit down and feel that feeling I was looking for. I am now relaxed, for 45 minutes I was engaged, mentally and physically, now I rest. It hits me, I need the physical workout the endorphins to let the stress out. It all makes sense engaging in any activity can help relax the mind, we so often think rest means sitting, yes this is the definition of at rest but to de-stress we need more. Sometimes it is a long run to be alone with our thoughts, sometimes its a team sport to draw our focus to people, and activity and away from the task on our mind. To rest the mind work the body, it works every time. Motivate, inspire and find your focus.
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Friday, 28 February 2014
Get Over It!
Monday, 24 February 2014
A cup of tea.
Monday, 17 February 2014
Leadership isn't easy, it takes courage, it takes strength and it takes patience. A leader needs to be ready to take risks, set the pace and bleed if needed. When one steps to the lead they may not have been the strongest player, they may not have been the smartest member but they have something different. They know the team, they know the players, they know everyone's strengths and weaknesses. A leader is ready to stand up for their team, take the heat for the individuals and bring the group together under one stance. Leaders will take criticism, will be pressured until their direction is proven successful, they will faulted and have to try again, this is where courage is needed, strength to stand again. We all have the ability to lead but until we have felt the weight of the lead and know how we will react when we carry that weight we should not rush into the role. Each of us have a place on a team, embrace it, know your strengths and stand strong in your role, whatever that role may be. But when you can step out and try something new test your limits but have your team behind you. If you faulted they will pick you up, if leadership becomes you the team will rally behind you, if not and you step back with ease you can take your place within the team once again. If you don't rush out and push your way into the lead you can let your team motivate you build their trust and they will be your inspiration, whether a second line or the captain of the team your role is key. Don't feel you only count if you are in the lead, be strong and stand strong knowing who you are!
Saturday, 8 February 2014
Falling down.
Knowing we all fall and all have different recoveries, if you come across someone who has fallen, offer them a hand. Don't look down on them because they are struggling with what you see as a scraped knee while you are walking tall with a sprained ankle, offer them a hand, give them the confidence to get up, stand up and walk again. You showing that strength will give them more strength the next time they fall. The human race is a pack animal, we need each other to survive, any other species will protect the fallen to the best of their ability, and we more then any other species have the ability to protect. Take the time and offer a hand to the fallen, it won't only make them stronger but strengthen you in then end. Each day, each week, each month find your strength, just because you are weaker today then yesterday does not mean you are weaker then you were last month. know yourself and be stronger, stay focused,
inspired and motivated.
Monday, 3 February 2014
keep trying and over time your will see your own form of success.
Thursday, 30 January 2014
It is so easy to let ourselves slip back into old habits. With as busy as we are in today's world it is easy to give in to exhaustion, frustration and weakness. But if we want to succeed we have to stand up, we have to find our sun and let it clear our vision and give us focus and clarity. If you can't see where you are going it is tough to be motivated to want to get there. Break through the fog, see the sun and let it shine.
Monday, 27 January 2014
The Truth Hurts!
Friday, 24 January 2014
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
The Voices
You don't have the strength! This is not your thing! Just give up now!
No matter where we go there are voices chiming in, they may be right beside us or they may be memories from the past. Or it may be your own internal voice weighing in on the situation. Some voices are loud and clear others are quiet, we barely notice that they are there. But every single voice has an impact on us, from the time we are young everything we hear finds its way into who we are. Our subconscious is built on those voices from the past. But the good thing is, if we are not built on confidence, we can be rewired, we can adjust out internal voice by choosing what external voices we listen to. We need to surround ourselves with positive voices! When we are hit with a negative voice we need to use it as encouragement. Take the "You will never make it's" as a challenge. Take the "Just give up now's" as a marker that you have to push harder if you are going to finish. Let the positive voices be your guides to success, your focus your inspiration to motivation, let them keep you warm when your cold, hold you up when you are weak and drive you forward for those last few steps. Take the negative voices and make them your fuel, let them hit your mind and change their meaning. We reflect those that are around us, and let them build us to be who we are. Even if we start out slow, start our weak, we have the strength to get stronger, we have the conscious to surround ourselves with those that will help. Hear the voices and make them your own. Knowing this be the change factor, be the voice that rings true and creates a positive tone in the room.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Be the Rock.
you have to hold it. Do not let the weak moments take control of your life. You have made it through struggle before, so be the strong individual you are inside, show those around you that you have the strength to carry them, to help them through when times are tough. Be the rock and be the strong individual you know you are.
Friday, 17 January 2014
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Drum Roll Please!
Music can be such a great inspiration, it can influence your mood in so many ways. Music has such a deep impact on everyone of us. Some songs take us back to a moment in time and are tied into all our other senses, they can make us feel like we are living a moment again. New music can hit us like a ton of bricks, take us away the first time we hear it, it can stop us in our tracks or drive us forward. Some music will slow us down, add perspective and other music will take get our blood flowing. Choose the music for the moment you are in, let it sink into your mind and help you through. We can take inspiration from anything, for so many of us music is truly a simple answer. When our energy is low turning up the right tune can be just like plugging in. Energy surges, blood starts to pump and your muscles have more juice and your mind finds focus once again. When tensions are high and it feels like nothing will settle you down a good riff can bring you back to your feet. For each of us it is different, some days a good metal song will settle me down other days I need some jazz or blues. Learn yourself, find what drives you, how it connects to your mind, to your adrenalin. Once you know what your source is use it. Shut the world out for a minute, or an hour, turn up your music and find the mindset you need for your inspiration, for your focus and for your motivation.
Drum Roll Please, its what I need to get through this moment, so give me the music and let me ride!
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
To stand on top of the Mountain
Monday, 13 January 2014
Build the Habit.
Find the motivation, stay focused, and build the habit.
Saturday, 11 January 2014
A good jog!
Friday, 10 January 2014
Collect yourself before the fall.
Step back, take a breath and keep the focus. Calm and collected will always have the strength to win the race. Just like a great river collect yourself before the fall!
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Burn the boat!
There is an ancient battle that I have read about many times in which the army had to travel over waters to meet the opponent. Upon landing on the shore of the enemy the commander ordered that the boats be burned. The army was going into battle out numbered, but now they had no option but to win, their only exit strategy had been reduced to ashes. The soldiers were literally fighting for their life, and they won! When we move forward in life we need to take that approach, move forward as though we have no other option but to succeed. With this approach we are not questioning whether we have exhausted all options, instead we are focused on the result, knowing that we will succeed and we cannot step away if it doesn't work the first time. There is no better motivation then truly believing success is the only option.
So I say, as we move ahead from here, BURN THE BOAT, don't consider that failure is an option, push through for success!
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Footsteps in the snow
Step out, break the trail and find motivation and stay focused!
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Its still dark out.
Monday, 6 January 2014
Climb the Mountain
To see the top we cannot stop, we can't turn around we need to keep focused on the goal. I know I can stop to catch my breath and take a few seconds but my focus has to be on the peak. As I crest the top I can see for miles, the cold wind whips past me and I feel success, the aches and pains are gone for now and I know I have reached the top. This wasn't the first mountain I climbed and won't be the last. But I know I need that focus, I need to find the motivation within me if I want to clime more. I need to prepare better for next time, make sure I have the physical and mental tools I need to get through the next clime. I can reflect on this day standing with my friend looking over the mountain tops and pull inspiration for the future. Each success is inspiration for future opportunity. The walk down feels like nothing at all knowing I have been to the top.
See the Mountain not the road.
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Keeping the Focus.
I was inspired the other day when I realized that I am the only person that can motivate me. Motivation only comes from within, there are many things that can inspire us, to give us something to strive for, but in the end that only becomes motivation when we choose for it to be. Inspiration moves us, motivation changes us.
My inspiration comes when I look at my children and two things always come to mind. I see how they smile and love every aspect of life, they smile that truly joyful smile and that same smile creeps onto my face. At the same time I know I want to be here for them, to be a role model, to see them graduate and to support them long into their life. To be that role model, to be here as long as possible, I need to be healthy, I need to be strong and I will be!
So now I think about those moments that my energy drops and I know I haven't slept right for a week, I pick myself up and I muster the energy to get to the end of the day with a smile, feeling strong and being proud of who I am.