Monday, 17 February 2014


I am driving along the highway and a car is pushing to get past, tailgating, swerving back and forth. Finally the he gets past takes off for a bit and slows down, slower then I was going when he passed me.... Some people feel they have to lead, feel they have to be at the front of the pack, but when they arrive they are lost, they don't know what to do. They don't know how to keep pace without the pack, once they take the lead they start to crumble, but try and take the lead back and they will fight tooth and nail.
Leadership isn't easy, it takes courage, it takes strength and it takes patience. A leader needs to be ready to take risks, set the pace and bleed if needed. When one steps to the lead they may not have been the strongest player, they may not have been the smartest member but they have something different.  They know the team, they know the players, they know everyone's strengths and weaknesses. A leader is ready to stand up for their team, take the heat for the individuals and bring the group together under one stance. Leaders will take criticism, will be pressured until their direction is proven successful, they will faulted and have to try again, this is where courage is needed, strength to stand again. We all have the ability to lead but until we have felt the weight of the lead and know how we will react when we carry that weight we should not rush into the role. Each of us have a place on a team, embrace it, know your strengths and stand strong in your role, whatever that role may be. But when you can step out and try something new test your limits but have your team behind you. If you faulted they will pick you up, if leadership becomes you the team will rally behind you, if not and you step back with ease you can take your place within the team once again. If you don't rush out and push your way into the lead you can let your team motivate you build their trust and they will be your inspiration, whether a second line or the captain of the team your role is key. Don't feel you only count if you are in the lead, be strong and stand strong knowing who you are!

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