Thursday, 27 August 2020


I sit quietly, a proverbial weight on my chest. My breathing not as smooth as I would like it. My stomach starts to turn. The weight of the world pushes down on me. My greatest flaw, my desire to make everyone happy sits heavy on me today. Deep in my mind I know it is all in my control, but in this moment I feel like nothing is.

So often the weight of the world presses down on many of us. We look around and wonder how many others feel this way, how are those people so happy, is it a mask or true happiness. For many it is happiness, and for one simple reason, they focus on making themselves happy, they know they can only control how they react to the world, not how the world reacts to them. 

Take a moment, breath and take control back. Remember you need to be yourself, you need to be happy and that comes from within. You must let the comments and looks role off you back and pick yourself up. Once you release yourself from others judgement you will start to feel free, one thought at a time, it is a journey and you will get there.

Inspire, motivate and find your focus. 

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Self Reflection

We move forward day to day, sometimes conscious, sometimes not. At some point we stop and look at ourselves in the mirror, have I learned those wrinkles, what lesson did that grey hair come from?

Self reflection can be scary, especially when we don't recognize ourselves for a moment. Time has a way of shaping us, especially when we are just keeping up. We start to get tired, and slowly we still our selves down to raw emotion, we survive. We look in the mirror and we dont recognize ourselves, so we start building a wall, we don't want to completely lose who we are. We work harder and the wall gets higher, we build stronger defences and slowly find ourselves on an well fortified island, to high up to know when someone is helping or fighting us.... we look in the mirror and see a ghost.

Most of us have gone through this one way or another, we start making big changes more out of fear, trying to find what we once thought was humanity. We lost ourselves in our emotions and, well, emotions are irrational beasts built for survival, not for striving. 

Take a moment each day to get to know yourself again. Reflect on your lessons, don't get scared or mad if you haven't reached your goal. Reflect, see all the lessons, get up, dust yourself off and try again. Sometimes we see a second or third or tenth attempt as pitiful, I was often told second place is the first loser. But really trying again is what truly makes us human, that is the meaning of life, getting up again and being awesome. Believe in yourself, and know that all those changes you have made are good, they are part of who you are. When you reflect try to find the balance between emotional and rational. Listen to your calm mind and you will concur. 

Inspire, motivate and find your focus.

Tuesday, 31 March 2020


Some days I feel like my brain is infected. As if a poison is slowly taking over. I feel exhaustion, and fear, I feel doubt and regret, but I still feel drive. 

And I guess the reality is in many ways my brain is poisoned. Doubt is poison! It builds from small failures, it grows from small disappointments. You start to focus on the bad, you start to lose sight of the success. Doubt can easily become depression, and often build into anxiety. We sit with screens in front of us, not looking at our lives but those of our peers, we look at their lives from miles away but then reflect on ours with a microscope. We build fear that we are not equal. This doesn't happen in large movements but small unconscious thoughts. 

Break the cycle, reinforce your success. Stop peering into the lives of others and be present in your own. We are all waging our own battles, some of us have words for it, others know the feelings and some are completely consumed. So start adding those suttle pat's on the back, start complementing people for their small success. Take in nature and let it overwhelm the doubt for once. One day, one step at a time.

Motivate, inspire and find your focus!